As previously reported, our Parish House boiler is kaput as of June 1, and the congregation voted to replace it by accepting the lowest of three bids received, $25,000. We put out the word to our members and friends, hoping to complete our fundraising by October 1, so that the boiler could be installed before the winter heating season.
It is a great pleasure to report that, not only has the goal been met, it has been overfulfilled by $10,000! This surplus is the result of a very generous gift from John and Doris Sommo. We thank God for them and for their generous hearts. Ask them how that kind of generosity feels; it might move you to similar, outstanding deeds of love and faith.
Remember: we’ve paid for the boiler and that is good, but there are lots of opportunities for special giving at Trinity, and the need for consistent and generous giving to the General Fund remains strong. “… the Lord loves a cheerful giver …” Be cheerful, and give faithfully!