1. We do not collect information from web site visitors.
2. No personal email is listed except with consent and where needed in support of a congregational activity.
3. No personal phone numbers or addresses are listed.
4. No names will be displayed with a photo for any person under 18. For persons over 18, names may be displayed with consent.
5. For altar service schedules, first and last names are listed, but no phone numbers or personal email addresses.
6. Photos of public church events and activities may be posted on the website.
7. We will not post photos or text that may be embarassing, hurtful or objectional to anyone. It is assumed that replies to the blog or Facebook will not contain anything hurtful to any person or group. Please do not disclose another person’s health information on the blog or Facebook.
8. Personal emails collected for Trinity notification and news will not be posted on the website or shared with any other person or organization.