Holy Baptism is the sacrament of Christian initiation, in which individuals are welcomed by water and the Word into the body of Christ, the family of God. In accordance with the catholic and apostolic tradition, our Lutheran Church baptizes by the pouring of water or by immersion in the name of the Holy Trinity, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. We baptize persons of all ages, including infants. We do not “dedicate” infants.
Through baptism, we become members of the Christian church in the broad sense, and also members of the local congregation. Baptism at Trinity is therefore offered to those who are ready and able to belong to Trinity Lutheran Church as members, and thus to actively participate in, and receive support for, the divine life into which they are baptized. Usually there are two sponsors (godparents) for each person baptized; these must be active Christians who belong to a church that confesses the apostolic faith and (if an infant is to be baptized) practices infant baptism. Other persons of whatever faith tradition may be designated as honorary godparents, according to the wishes of the person baptized or the family. Normally, baptism is celebrated in the context of the Sunday liturgy. Baptisms are not performed during lent, between Ash Wednesday and Good Friday.
Sometimes there are exceptional circumstances in which members of other congregations may request that a baptism be performed at Trinity, as for instance to facilitate the attendance of an elderly relative who may live nearby. There are definite requirements and expectations which apply to such situations, and you are invited to discuss any exceptional circumstances with the Pastor. Registration forms for baptism are available at the ushers’ station and from the church office.