Worship, Prayer, Service

Weekday Lunch Prayer Gathering on Zoom M-F  12:15 -12:45 pm
ZOOM.US Meeting ID 718 335 7300  Pw 11379
Click Here to Join us via ZOOM

Bible Study – 7:00 pm Wednesdays (Suspended till April 2023) & 10:30 am Thursdays Zoom ID 941 5098 8072 Password 11379 Dial-In phone number 646-558-8656

Sunday School – 9:15 AM on Sundays in person. Contact Doris Tegge at doristegge@gmail.com for information

Stacey’s Pantry is Located at 91-14 48th Ave  11373. Food Pantry ministries by Pastor Mantovani of St. Jacobus  Lutheran Church. (917) 533-1679 stjacobuspastor@gmail.com https://www.facebook.com/Staceyspantryelmhurst/

Western Queens Conference Zoom Prayer Meeting
Meeting ID: 637 012 6621  Passcode: 062145  Dial-In phone number 929-205-6099  Wednesday 7 PM

Trinity Lutheran (LIC) Monday Prayer Gathering
Call-In Line: 732-434-3943  Monday 8 PM-8:20 PM
Inquiries: trinityprayercare@gmail.com

Women Together in Grace
Meet once a month-Information TBD

Daily Prayer Line M-F 6 AM Hosted by S. Dcn. Ingrid Compton
Phone # 605-468-8820 Access Code: 1885702

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