For Thine is the Kingdom

“For Thine is the Kingdom, and the power and the glory forever.  Amen!”  Matthew 6:13

I am often moved by these words of praise that conclude the Lord’s Prayer. This is not to say that the petitions in the Prayer are less moving or less important.  But I am touched as I ponder on these words.  And this feeling is especially enhanced when I listen to Andrea Bocelli’s majestic rendition of the Prayer based on the composition by Albert Hay Malotte.

Earlier manuscripts of the original Bible text do not include this doxology (but check out I Chronicles 29:11-13).  This explains why some churches do not have this doxology in the Prayer.  Still I think they are very appropriate to be there at the end of the Lord’s Prayer.

Because given what God has done and is doing for us, what can we offer except praises to  God?

  • Who out of His loving-kindness through Christ gives us the right to fondly call Him “Father” as we present to Him our needs and wants;
  • Whose holy Name is above every name and at that Name every knee shall bow;
  • Whose reign has begun with the coming of Christ and will be completely fulfilled when Christ comes again as King to wipe away every tear in our eyes;
  • Whose thoughts and ways are higher than our thoughts and our ways; and Who desires only what is good for us even if sometimes we doubt that and want things done our way;
  • Who asks why we worry about tomorrow’s needs when we know that to Him we are more precious than the birds who neither sow nor reap and yet are fed by God;
  • Who forgives and forgets our sins and gives us a clean slate and commands us as His children to do the same to those who sin against us;
  • Who never abandons us but is always there helping us when trials come;
  • Who has completely conquered evil — once and for all — when Christ came to live among us, gave Himself up on the cross and rose again from the grave.

We cannot add anything anymore to these.  We can only say, “Indeed,

Thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory, O Lord! Amen!”

Dear Father, we praise You for Your love for us beyond measure. Keep us in Your grace always.  Amen!

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